Tube. Duration : 6.33 Mins.
When embarking on a plumbing project, be sure that you seal the pipes and hoses well. It might be harder than you think. Do read up on how it can be done. However, it is also very important to make sure you have the appropriate tools.
Never use a sealant that is not designed for what you are doing. Use plumber's putty to seal the sink flanges of a garbage disposal unit. There are types of special wax or grease sealants that are suitable to be used on the base of the toilet. Shower pipes and spouts should be sealed with caulking, and the list goes on from there.
Most will learn from their mistake of utilizing the wrong sealant for certain jobs. Do not substitute PVC Pipe glue when instructions ask for plumber's putty. If you use these things rather than Teflon plumber's tape on hoses, you will never be able to remove it should you ever decide to replace the hoses.
Be sparing but not stingy. It's also important to use the right amounts. For example, a ¼ inch bead of plumber's putty is sufficient to seal around a sink. Too much of it will certainly mean that more cleaning up is needed. If insufficient amounts are used, water will leak under the sink.
Remove the excess but make sure not too much is removed. Too much sealant will tend to crack and tear after it hardens. Using your finger or a damp sponge, lightly wipe away any extra and you should be fine. In addition, ascertain that all smears are removed before they are dry.
Do not stingy about the use of Teflon plumber's tape. It is uncommon to use too much, but in some cases, it can create gaps for water to seep through. Because it is relatively malleable it can be difficult even if you want to overdo it. You want to ensure that not too much is being used as it can make it near to impossible to fit the new pipes or hose back on.
Wind it in the proper direction. If you are handling hoses, the direction is not a problem, however if you are threading pipes, direction will matter. If it's not done correctly, the tape will twist off. The tail of the tape should be facing the direction you will be threading onto it. It will create a seal that us tight as the tape will extend in the similar direction as the pipe while the pipe is being threaded. If the tape is facing the opposite direction, the seal will not be tight.
Avoid torn ends. Do not tear or bite the tape off using your teeth. It can seem like a good idea if you are working in a cramped space that is hard for you to move around. This can lead to stretching and tearing of the ends. If the tape is stretched too much before it is threaded on the pipe, it will not seal correctly.
If the tape is cut cleanly, it will set in the threads better and not leave any ridges that could cause leaks. This should be done on the front and back of the tape. If you have ridges, you will create small openings for water to escape from.
If you utilize the appropriate sealant for the job and follow instructions faithfully, your project should be free from leaks.
How To Use Plumbing Tapes And Sealants To Seal Hoses And PipesEventually the drain in your bathtub is going to get old and worn and won't work as it should any longer. This is especially true of drains with built-in stoppers. As time passes you'll start noticing that it's getting harder to operate the stopper, water seems to seep from the tub when the stopper is closed, and it's hard to get the dirty water to drain from the tub when the stopper is open. At this point in time you'll need to buy replacement parts for your drain and then either hire someone to install it or do the job yourself. It really isn't as difficult a job as it may sound. All you'll need are channel locks, a Philips screwdriver, plumbers' putty, and some clean rags.
Begin the project by taking out the old drain plug mechanism. There is a cover plate on your tub which is attached with two screws. Take out the screws and remove the cover to reveal the inner workings of your drain. Reach in and pull this mechanism out through the hole in the tub.
If you're unable to remove all of the mechanism because pieces have broken off, you should check to see if you can access the space behind the tub from a wall panel on the other side of the wall. If you find one, you can remove it and easily take out the broken pieces. However, if you don't have one available, you will need to bend a wire hanger or similar piece of wire into a hook shape so that you'll be able to fish them out through the small hole.
Now that you have the original pieces of the drain, you'll be able to replace any damaged ones with your replacement parts and reassemble the drain. You may find that you don't even need replacement parts. Sometimes all the mechanism needs is to be cleaned and to have the pieces put back together correctly again.
Examine the parts to find the ones that are damaged. Then check to see if the replacement parts you purchased are identical to the ones you're removing. If they don't happen to be the same, it's not a good idea to go ahead and use them. Using the wrong parts in your plumbing could cause leaks that will flood your house.
Once you've reassembled the drain mechanism, check all the parts to be sure they're working properly. Next test the stopper to see that it fits the drain pipe and plugs it the way it should. If all these tests work out, you'll be ready to reinstall the pieces of your drain. Don't attempt to install the stopper until everything is working correctly.
You can use plumbers' putty to seal the joints where the pipes and flanges attach to one another. The mechanism that you use to raise and lower the stopper must also be attached to the overflow plate. Don't seal the overflow plate down, though, without checking to make sure that the stopper is working correctly. Once you know that the tub will hold and drain water when you want it to, go ahead and seal down the plate.
Make sure you have plenty of putty on the overflow plate when you screw it down. Wipe off any excess that might squeeze out, and check to see that you haven't got anything obstructing the overflow vent. Once you've completed these steps, your drain should be as good as new and ready to work for you again.
How to Replace Your Bathtub DrainWhen you own a home the most important lesson is to know the exact time to throw in the towel or plunger and ask for a professional aid. But it doesn't mean that you are ignorant or stupid, it only means that when you have to give up you know it. You act as a smart person who knows the exact time of giving up and do not kill yourself in trying to do it over and over. It is a last resort for most of the people and several times it must be like that. Usually plumbers are overpriced and for the travel time as well as many other hidden fees you have to pay. So before calling a plumber please make sure you absolutely need him. For a project if you have to call the plumber still there are few things that ypu may do in order to save some of your cash.
For the customer satisfaction the best method of selecting the best plumber is to select a plumber who is well reputed. Just check if they have some references when you call. You can ask your family and friends if they know someone and whether they were satisfied with that plumber because satisfaction is a vital thing. At first you might spend more but for one visit you will only pay as opposed to many.
Perfect way to avoid spending a lot of money for a plumber is by not calling him. Most people call a plumber either for the drain backups or other drain problems, this is the main reason. Generally these things can be corrected much more inexpensively than calling a plumber for this.
The most recurring problem with drains are the grease clogs. You can correct this by doing a trial and error with many things that are in your house to see which one works best for your drain. For most of the people what works is to pour daily some hot water and vinegar in the drain and let it set for say 20 minutes then pursue it with some boiling water and it will clear up normally. On the clog pour the vinegar and water slowly to get a better result.
You can buy in advance stuffs like sinks and toilets tat you will require to install from highest DIY tools. The plumbers will try their best to sell whatever they have with them. The materials that the plumbers have are way overpriced as they generally mark up the cost. If you buy these in advance then a lot of money will be saved. But you can check in advance along with the plumber to find out the best brands to reduce any type of later confusion. There are some products that are cheaply made and most of the plumbers do not prefer working with those products. If you discuss this in advance with your plumber then you can surely buy the best product.
Things To Know Before Calling The PlumberUpgrading a bathroom is one of the more popular home improvement projects. Handling the plumbing for draining your shower can be exceedingly simple unless you go overboard.
Whether you are a bathtub or shower person, most people look for shower only options when buying a home. This simple fact means more than a few homeowners spend a weekend upgrading or installing showers in their bathrooms. Fortunately for you, it is a fairly simple process.
A collector or pan refers to the horizontal surface located at the bottom of the shower. The collector typically consists of a non-slip surface slightly banked towards the center or wherever the drain is located. Combined with three to four inch walls around the side, the goal of your shower drainage plumbing is to get the water to flow to and down the drain.
You can physically build a collector for your new shower, but you really need to think about it. Do you really want to get into the complications of getting the sloping correct, not to mention making sure every aspect of it is waterproof? And I mean every aspect! It is much easier to simply buy a pre-cast collector online or at your local Lowes, Home Depot or hardware store. Building one might sound like a great idea, but you will probably feel differently after a couple of hours.
Regardless of how you go about getting a pan, you should make every effort to use one that has the drain located in the same spot as the original pan. Moving the drain pipes can be a task, particularly if the builder used a unique framing structure. If you are determined to move the drain, you are going to have to cut back the pipe or lengthen it, which may mean ripping up large chunks of the floor. Put another way, you are going to be looking at a multiple weekend project.
Assuming we have our drain lined up, the actual hook up is fairly simple. The drainage pipe should be facing vertical up to the collector. It will often look like a "U", which means it acts as a cleanout to keep nasty smells from coming back up from the drain. To connect the drain, you are going to create a water tight connection between a drain cap on the top of the pan and the drainage pipe. Systems vary, but you are typically going to do this by putting a coupling piece on the top of the drainage pipe. This is then covered with gaskets and literally screwed into the drain cap. The drain cap should act as a locknut, to wit, it screws directly onto the coupling.
The tricky part of this process is getting your drain cap to fit into a watertight position in the pan. This is accomplished by backing off the drain cap once you are sure everything fits together. At that point, you put plumbers putty around the underside of the cap and then screw it back on. The putty should form a tight seal between the cap and the shower pan, which keeps water from trickling under it and into the framing under the shower.
Obviously, bathroom showers come in a wide variety of styles these days. If you purchase a collector, they almost always come with plumbing instructions or the store can note anything unusual you should know. It sounds complex, but is typically pretty straight forward. Have fun!
Handling Your Own Shower Drain Installation ProjectPlumbers use plumbing tools that are specialized to fit the job. Professional plumbing tools are designed to perform a wide variety of functions that include: measuring, accessing holes, cutting pipe, soldering tightening and loosening, and more. Below is a list of the kinds of tools plumbers use:
Level: Known as "levelness" a level gives the plumber the ability to make adjustments in the slope of drain and waste pipes during vent, wast, and drain installation.
Hole Saw: The plumber will use the hole saw to cut large holes through wood, masonry, and metal. Toothed hole saws are used to cut through wooden items. The abrasive hole saws cut through masonry and metal. The hole saw can be used on water supply lines and ABS drainpipes.
Pipe Cutter: This cutter allows the plumber to cut copper water lines. A plumber will open the tool's mouth, place the copper pipe in the mouth, and then tighten the cutting disc on the pipe's surface. To slice the pipe, the plumber will turn the tool around the pipe repeatedly. Once it slices through the pipe, clean cut remains which is ready to be sanded and soldered.
Soldering Torch: To use the soldering torch, a plumber opens the control valve uses a spark to light the torch, and then holds the flame against joints between copper fittings and pipes.
Plumbers Wrenches: use a variety of different types of wrenches in order to tighten and loosen fittings. Pipe wrenches are used to tighten bigger parts of the piping andother types of fittings. Basin wrenches are used to tighten and loosen bolts that are places that are difficult to access.
Screwdrivers: Screwdrivers are used for tightening and loosening a variety of components such as hose clamps, faucet knobs, as well as changing washers, taking appliances apart, and performing other plumbing tasks.
Tubing Cutter: Plumbers will use tubing cutters to make clean and precise cuts in copper tubing. Pipe cutters utilize to sharp wheel that spins around the copper pipe and then embeds in the metal. The result is a precise and clean cut the entire way around the pipe. Joints and fittings can be sealed once the pipes have been cut.
Jigsaws: These saws are used to make cuts in older pipes so that a new section can be installed. Jigsawsmake it easier to make cuts in pipes are in area with space restrictions and cutting pipes that are in close proximity to the floor or wall.
Sealants: Plumbers use different types of sealants. Plumber's tape is used on the threads of plumbing pipes and other types of plumbing connections. Other sealants that plumbers will use silicone caulking and are putty compounds. The type they use depends on the type of repair job.
What Kinds of Tools Do Plumbers Use?